Blackpool Flat Felt Roofs

Sheds, garages and extensions often feature flat roofs. If you are building one of these additions to your property you may want to consider a flat felt roofing options. This consists of 2-3 layers of felt sheeting, which provides a dense, impermeable barrier and protects the contents of the building.

Flat Felt Roof Installation

Roofing felt is a traditional low cost material that is suitable for a variety of flat roof applications. Our flat roof installers are highly skilled at installing felt on flat roofs of all sizes. All our flat roof installers are trained in all aspects of health and safety and we have successfully completed many flat roofing projects.

Our felt laying method is designed with durability and leak resistance in mind. Our flat roof felt is made from high quality polyester with torch-on felt. We lay our felt flat roofs using a three layer method. The first layer is nailed down, and then two further layers are torched down using a cross bonded pattern. This flat roof laying technique provides maximum strength and leak resistance. The felt we use on our flat roofs comes in a variety of colours and finishes.

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